Treatment of CKD Naturally

Chronic kidney disease which is moreover called Chronic kidney failure depicts the sudden loss of kidney function. Our kidney filters waste and excess fluids from our blood, which thus release in our urine. Right when Chronic kidney sickness shows up at a general stage, risky degrees of liquid, and waste can aggregate in your body.

In the beginning phase of chronic kidney disease, you might not have any symptoms. Ongoing kidney disease may not wind up being undeniable until your kidney work is significantly upset.

Medicines for Chronic kidney disease centre around slowing down the advancement of kidney damage, normally by controlling the root cause. Chronic kidney disease can prompt end-stage kidney failure, which can't be relieved without dialysis or a kidney relocation.

What are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease?

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease develop over time if kidney damage increases slowly. Signs and symptoms of kidney damage may include:

● Vomiting
● Fatigue and weakness
● Sleeping disorders
● Frequently going to pass the urine.
● Muscle cramps
● Swelling in feet and ankles
● Itching
● Chest pain
● Hypertension that is uncontrollable


Chronic kidney disease happens when a disease or condition impairs kidney function results in causing kidney damage to the worst over several months or years.

Causes of chronic kidney disease include:

● Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
● High blood pressure

Stages of chronic kidney disease

Stage 1 & Stage 2

Chronic kidney disease is the condition that leads to decrease in the ability of kidney to function properly. In the later stages of kidney disorder, fluid can accumulate to higher levels in the blood and makes you feel sick.

Stage 1 and Stage 2 are the starting stages of kidney damage in which the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate) remains slightly lower. The signs of the damage are not recognizable in the initial stages. Some indications that can be noticed are –

● Difficulty in concentrating
● Problem in sleeping
● Frequent muscle cramps
● Swollen feet
● Dry and itchy skin
● Frequent urge to urinate

Stage 3

GFR between 30 and 59 shows that there is some damage to your kidneys and they are not working properly as they should.

Stage 3 is further separated into two stages:

● Stage 3A means you have a GFR between 45 and 59
● Stage 3B means you have a GFR between 30 and 44

Stage 4

● Stage 4 CKD means you have a GFR between 15 and 29.
● GFR somewhere in the range of 15 and 30 means your kidneys are moderately or seriously harmed and are not functioning as they ought to. Stage 4 kidney disorder should be taken seriously as it is the last stage before kidney failure.

Stage 5 –: The last and final stage of kidney disease

When the patient is in the last stage of kidney disorder, the GFR level is 15 ml/min or less. This is the most dangerous and complicated stage. In this stage, the kidney has lost its capability to filter the waste material from the body.

Symptoms of Stage 5 CKD are as follows:

● Vomiting
● Nausea
● Less concentration
● Itching
● Swelling in different body parts
● Change in the colour of Urine
● Headache
● Muscle cramps.
● Change in the skin colour

CKD stage 5 ayurvedic treatment

Following are the CKD stage 5 ayurvedic treatment measures:

1. Avoid doing extensive workouts, as more muscle work and creatine breakdown will end up producing more creatinine in the body.

2. Stop the intake of body-building supplements such as whey protein, mass gainer etc that contains a high amount of creatinine, as it affects the body and is dangerous for the functioning of the kidney. Taking creatinine orally has more harmful effects.

3. Do not consume a high protein-rich diet in time like these. Keep an eye on the food containing protein and avoid their consumption. Protein helps in the production of creatinine in the body which can be more harmful to kidneys, sometimes taking them excessively. Do not consume food items like dairy products, red meat, fish, seafood, and some green leafy vegetables.

4. Add fibre to your diet. Fibre helps in reducing the amount of creatinine in the body naturally. Adding whole grains in the diet, fresh fruits, and vegetables to the diet can be a good option to reduce creatinine naturally.

5. Water is the most important element our body requires in the diet. The right quantity of water keeps the kidneys healthy and creatinine levels low. A healthy person should drink at least 8 to 9 glasses of water per day.

6. High creatinine levels can be brought down if we adopt a healthy means of living. CKD stage 5 ayurvedic treatment works on the pillar of diet, lifestyle, and yoga to cure the problem of kidneys and creatinine levels.

7. Be active at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.


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