Roni Takhellambam Patient Journey - Karma Ayurveda

Hello, I’m Roni Takhellambam, from Manipur, suffering from kidney failure & faced a lot of physical problems and I’m on dialysis too. Initially, I had taken allopathic treatment but it was useless for my health. After that, I heard about Karma Ayurveda Hospital and started taking ayurvedic treatment. After just 15 days of ayurvedic medicine, my creatinine level reduced from 13.8 mg/dl to 7.87mg/dl and my urea level also decreased. Now, I’m recovering faster than before and my ongoing dialysis is also stopped. We are very thankful to Dr. Puneet Dhawan & Karma Ayurveda Hospital.

A year ago, I was experiencing some minor symptoms of kidney disorder but I didn’t know at that time they were the symptoms of a damaged kidney. I was taking those symptoms so casually as I was totally unaware of them. I was facing nausea, vomiting, fatigue, insomnia, less energy, weakness, tiredness, etc. I was thinking that maybe my work pressure or stress could be a reason behind all these symptoms. Whenever my health went so bad, I took allopathic medicines from the nearest medical clinic. I got fine for some time and after some time, I got ill again.

After a few weeks, when my health condition went so bad, my husband took me to the nearest allopathic kidney hospital. The allopathic doctor asked us to get done some tests immediately. My husband took me to the lab and get all the tests done. The test reports came after a week, and my doctor was shocked after seeing the test reports. He said to us that I’m a kidney patient and my condition is very critical. He advised immediate dialysis for me and started my kidney treatment. He prescribed allopathic medicines for me and told me to take them at the proper time.  

I’ve taken allopathic treatment for about 6 months and I went through dialysis 6 times a month. Instead of improving my health dialysis and allopathic treatment made me weaker and sick. Initially, they worked on my health a little bit, but after 2-3 months they were not doing anything. I lost hope in allopathic treatment, so we decided to shift to some other medication method. My husband saw a video on the Karma Ayurveda youtube channel and he saw so many positive reviews of it. He even heard about Karma Ayurveda in his office as well. So we thought and discussed about this and finally decided to shift upon ayurvedic treatment from Karma Ayurveda.

We came to Delhi with lots of hope and prayers. We stayed in my family friend’s home and on the next day, we visited the Karma Ayurveda hospital ad met with Dr. Puneet Dhawan. He explained to us thoroughly the root cause of my kidney disease and what is the solution of my problem. He made me feel comfortable and said to us that I would be fine very soon. Just be positive, and have faith in Ayurveda.

On another day, my ayurvedic kidney treatment has started from Karma Ayurveda. I started taking ayurvedic medicines and following all the mandatory dietary changes. He suggested some other lifestyle changes too. I followed all of them. Within 2 months of ayurvedic treatment.  My dialysis process has started coming to an end gradually. Eventually, my creatinine level has came down drastically from 13.8mg/dl and 7.87mg/dl and my urea level also decreased from 237mg/dl to 120mg/dl. After 1 more month of ayurvedic medication, my dialysis stopped completely. We are so happy now and I’m feeling so energetic and active. We are very grateful to Karma Ayurveda and its entire staff and of course to Dr. Puneet Dhawan. THANK YOU.


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