Is Ayurveda useful in the treatment of kidney disease?

Kidneys are filtering organs that clean the body. The kidneys are small bean-shaped organs in the back of the belly. The kidneys collaborate with the other organs to stimulate RBC synthesis, regulate blood pressure, and produce vitamin D. They are responsible for removing poisons and debris from the bloodstream. When Srotas, which convey liquid into and out of the kidneys, become blocked, resulting in kidney failure. The kidneys will become dehydrated and begin to deteriorate if the entrance routes become blocked. This results in swelling as well. It can cause renal failure if not treated timely. 

Ayurvedic kidney treatment has been shown to be effective in the treatment of renal illness. It gradually relieves renal problems and aids in the recovery of damaged kidney cells. Herbal compositions are used in Ayurvedic acute renal failure treatment to improve kidney function. It can be used to treat all stages of renal disease. 

Kidney Disease Causes and Symptoms:

Pain in the lower back and stomach, itchy skin, dark-colored urine, sleeplessness, weariness, mood changes, kidney stones, frequent urination, and urinary tract infections are all symptoms of kidney disease (UTIs). Kidney problems are commonly caused by a lack of water intake, a poor diet high in processed foods, an excessive intake of sweets, and an excessive salt intake. 

What makes Ayurveda so beneficial in comparison to other therapies? 

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian pharmaceutical system based on the principle that optimal health necessitates a healthy mind, body, and spirit balance. Despite its origins in India, Ayurvedic medicine is now practiced all over the world. The Ayurvedic branch is holistic in nature, meaning it considers a variety of aspects other than disease symptoms, such as mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. According to Ayurvedic science, there are three doshas, or body types: pitta, vata, and kapha. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to bring these doshas back into equilibrium. If a person's doshas are out of balance, physical or emotional qualities associated with the dominating element will manifest. 

Pranayama and other kidney-supporting exercises are also recommended by Ayurveda. Pranayama is a form of meditation and breathing exercise that energizes the soul, cures edema, and prevents kidney stones. 

Cleansing Kidney Tract using Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

Kidney-friendly foods and herbs can help to relieve pain and disease in the kidneys. Staying hydrated is also very important. Drinking neem juice on a daily basis can also help to cleanse our bodies. It's crucial to avoid seeds if you have a renal illness because they take longer to filter through the digestive and excretory systems.

The following are some Ayurvedic herbal therapies suggested for kidney detoxification and urinary tract cleansing that can aid with kidney cleansing:

  • Parsley is a natural and potent diuretic, making it one of the greatest kidney cleansing herbs. Squeeze a lemon into a large glass of parsley juice to flush the kidneys and urinary tract quickly. 
  • Celery is a vegetable high in vitamins and minerals. Its diuretic qualities help remove toxins, resulting in increased urine production.
  • Ginger is another powerful kidney cleanser because it improves digestion while also purifying the kidneys and liver.
  • Turmeric has great cleaning qualities that help to cleanse the kidneys and blood. It has anti-inflammatory effects that aid in the prevention and treatment of kidney infections.
  • Rakt Chandan, commonly known as red sandalwood, aids in kidney function improvement by removing infections.

Ayurvedic therapy is based on a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition and exercise. Ayurvedic kidney therapy recommends eating these five excellent foods to keep your kidneys healthy.

  • Apples: High in fiber and anti-inflammatory, apples can help lower cholesterol, prevent constipation, prevent heart disease, and keep your kidneys healthy. 
  • Onion: Onions are good for renal function since they are low in potassium. They also include chromium, a mineral that aids in the digestion of fat, protein, and carbohydrates by the body.
  • Blueberries—Blueberries, which are high in antioxidant chemicals, Vitamin C, and fiber, can help to reduce inflammation.
  • Garlic-Garlic helps to prevent chronic kidney disease by reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol. It also has Anti-clotting properties.
  • Cabbage- High in Vitamins K and C, fiber, and an excellent dose of Vitamin B6 and folic acid, but low in potassium, cabbage is a kidney-friendly food.

Kidney treatment in Ayurveda has been proven to be useful in the treatment of renal disease. It aids in the recovery of damaged kidney cells and progressively cures renal issues. In Ayurveda, herbal compositions are used to treat acute renal failure and enhance kidney function.


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